Natsu e no Tobira

Title:Natsu e no Tobira
The Door Into Summer
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Madhouse
Animation - Toei
Marion is a young schoolboy who prides himself on his adherence to a philosophy he calls "rationalism". Because of his disdain for emotional display, he ignores anything remotely akin to affection. But when he's entangled in a romantic affair with an older courtesan, his rationalism is revealed to be little more than a cover for his own emotional immaturity. Learning to love, Marion blossoms under his older lover's care but unfortunately, Marion has yet to learn the true price of the affair.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

59-minute film that premiered on March 20, 1981.
Animated by Toei and Madhouse.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Avoid 6 6 6 7 3 Ggultra2764 [series:4023#1552]
From what I gather, Door Into Summer has some history to it for anime and manga in that it's one of the earliest titles to have story elements of shounen-ai. Setting aside that detail, it seemed the film was trying to be some sort of romantic melodrama dabbling into the emotional maturity that young teens get coping with their rising sexual feelings, this explored through the sexual attraction that Marion has for a courtesan who emotionally manipulates him into a sexual affair. Beyond the melodrama being rather over the top with the absurdity of its premise, the film doesn't have enough time to further flesh out its characters to explore how they are affected by Marion's actions and dealing with their own issues with sexual immaturity, notably when it's revealed one of Marion's male classmates has a love interest in him. The classical music that accompanies the film's animation is the sole highlight of this film doing a solid job to accompany Door Into Summer's melodramatic trappings. But beyond that, the film's premise and developments are a bit too ridiculous at points to take seriously and could have either been longer or made into an OVA series to have more time to flesh out its characters.

Last updated Saturday, August 01 2020. Created Wednesday, July 29 2020.

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