Kaze no Tairiku

Title:Kaze no Tairiku
Kontinent des Windes (German)
Le continent du vent (French)
The Weathering Continent
Разрушение континента (Russian)
風の大陸 (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: R1 License - Media Blasters
Living on a continent devastated by centuries of environmental calamities; Boice, Tieh, and Lakshi are travelers heading towards Haelle Kine where they hope to obtain water. After encountering a group of people who were recently murdered and a survivor who dies due to fatigue and starvation, they find themselves amid Azec Sistra, a city built for the dead. Legend says that no one has ever left this city alive.

Three adventurers - a warrior, a priest, and a young woman - traverse a land devastated by centuries of environmental calamities searching only for a way to survive. In their journeys they stumble across first the remains of a band of desperate treasure-hunters, and then the treasure they were seeking: Azec Sistra, the legendary City of the Dead. Unfortunately, the bandits responsible for slaughtering the treasure-hunters have also found their way to the city, but more worrisome still are the guardians which protect Azec Sistra from those who would violate the spirits at rest there. . .
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

(Movie, 1992, 54 minutes, based on a 28 volume novel released 1990-2006)
Licensed by Media Blasters
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 10 8 9 7 5 Ggultra2764 [series:2437#1552]
This one-shot anime short is based on a long-running fantasy-adventure light novel series still ongoing at the time this anime came out. For an early 1990s title, the visuals to Wandering Continent are great on the eyes featuring plenty of detail for the scenery and character designs, subdued colors that fit well with the dreary environment of the city of the undead and moments of fluid movement. The music even does a good job at creating a tense mood with the developments faced by Lakushi and her companions. Being an hour long though, this movie quickly breezes through its developments and you get little background on the trio of characters that the movie focuses on. Hints are dropped over who they are and the setting of the show. But without plenty of time to get enough sense of these elements, you're left not really caring for what happens. The Weathering Continent is ultimately just a quick breeze through a much larger scale series that the anime creators must assume you would either know of the source material or you would seek it out if you took interest in this movie. The visuals and mood are set up rather well. But without decently establishing its setting and characters, eye-candy is mostly all you will be getting out of this movie.

Last updated Thursday, February 24 2011. Created Thursday, February 24 2011.

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