Big Wars

Title:Big Wars
In the future, mankind fights a decades long war with their enemies the Gods.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 7 9 6 6 Midnighter [series:415#94]
Big Wars had an interesting premise, great character designs, a spectacularly suicidal mission obscenely anti-climactic ending.
The set up is a detailed account of a raging war that spans years and has mankind on the brink of defeat. From this, we learn that the Gods are infiltrating and subverting humans to damage the War effort. Mankind launches a desperate suicide mission against the Gods' ultimate ship, the ominously named "Hell."
Realistic Character designs are so detailed that they suffer when animated, but still hold up remarkably well enough to still look decent. Distinctly Western musical score adds a cheesy feel to the heroics.
Holding up well (OK, the Nymphomania angle was horridly cheesy) until the end, during the final assault on the "Hell." Big Wars seems to collapse under its own weight during the last 1/3rd, and plot holes big enough to fly a fighter thru open up. For example, how do they manage to breach the ship and encounter only sparse and surprised resistance? After losing contact with an entire patrol...numerous times, you'd think the "Hell" crew would figure that something was amiss and investigate in large numbers.
In any case the lame ending closes what seems to be only one part of a much longer series of movies and leaves the veiwer feeling disappointed and let down.

Last updated Wednesday, July 03 2002. Created Wednesday, July 03 2002.

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