Risky Safety

Title:Risky Safety
Omishi Magical Theatre
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: OMISHI Rei
OOJI Hiroi
R1 License - AN Entertainment
SAKUNO Shunsuke
Katusragi Moe was feeling blue one day, when a tiny little death god appeared before her and attempted to kill her. Fortunately for her he didn`t have much experience at his job, and in a moment of her happiness was suddenly replaced by an equally tiny angel. As it turns out, Risky and Safety are both apprentices in their respective jobs, and as their final challenge must share a body and attempt to win their full title by taking or protecting souls, respectively. Of course that makes life kind of difficult for them, and for everyone around them...

Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety is a rather mild shoujo-esque series from (bizarrely enough) Omishi Rei, the creator of the somewhat perverse Bakuretsu Hunters TV, to which it is not even remotely similar. Mild is the operative word here, as there is virtually no action to speak of, very little music, or even much dialogue. In fact, the series is built entirely on visual cuteness and lots of introspection, leading me to believe that it`s probably much better suited to the manga version, and that you might have a hard time getting into the anime.

(summary from ANIDB)

24 TV episodes (10 min each)
Animation by Omishi Rei
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 6 6 6 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:618#1552]
Risky Safety's premise involves a shinigami named Risky and an angel named Safety having the same body as they become involved in the life of a middle school girl named Moe dealing with a misunderstanding involving her love interest, a younger boy named Yuya. The series is mostly fluff focusing on the everyday life of Moe or the comical antics of Risky and Safety. The series seems like it was aimed for a younger audience judging from the tone and simplicity of the anime's storytelling, and is unique from other anime of its time period in that each episode of the series is only 10 minutes a pop. The simplicity of the storytelling allows Risky Safety to effectively tell its stories within their 10-minute runs without getting too elaborate. But at the same time, said simplicity and its short episode length does lead it to have nothing that really sticks out with it compared to other light-hearted comedies of its ilk. In short, Risky Safety is likely to be an acquired taste for many anime fans.

Last updated Thursday, April 30 2020. Created Thursday, April 30 2020.
Watch 7 8 7 6 5 8 Jer Alford [series:618#614]
From the creator of Maze come another gender-bending comic fantasy. Young Moe is feeling down because she thinks her wouldbe boyfriend is seeing another girl. Suddenly, a Shinigami(or Japanese grim reaper)appears. Risky is a doll-sized agent of Hell who collects souls. He tries to convince Moe to give up her soul since she doesn't seem to want to live anymore. But then Moe starts to feel good, and Risky changes into a female angel called Safety. It turns out the two of them share the same body, but one appears depending on the human they are assigned to. Safety shows Moe that her bo wasn't cheating on her, but fails to hit her with a love arrow and accidently hits the neighbors' dog who now wants to marry Safety. The rest of the series has Risky/Safety living with Moe and telling her about some of their past exploits. One such tale is of how they both got assigned to a girl in small European town whose father made living marionettes. This is a very cute anime and should appeal to those who like Snow Fairy Sugar or Hamtaro. Each episode is only 10 minutes though as it was part of the Japanese series Anime Complex where Steel Angel Kurumi played also. This is the first title to be distributed in English by AN Entertainment who are owned by Animenation.

Last updated Saturday, July 19 2003. Created Saturday, July 19 2003.

Other Sites
AN Entertainment http://www.an-entertainment.com
Production company behind American release.
Official Japanese Series Web Site http://www.riskysafety.com/

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