Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu

Title:Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu
Summoned to Another World for a Second Time
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio Elle
TOKI Shunichi
An entire class of Japanese middle schoolers is suddenly transported to another world, where they are acclaimed as 'heroes' sent to help repulse an invasion of the Kingdom of Distinia by an army of Demons. But one classmate is not nearly as surprised as the rest: Yuki, known locally as 'Setsu', has been here before.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4652#628]
(Two episodes watched):

I think it is safe to say, based largely on the illustration above, that there will be a harem element to this show. But the wishful thinking of a situation where countless hot girls fawn over you is pretty much all this show has to offer. I was never really excited by the premise of this show; both the plot and the characters seemed quite generic. Nothing is really novel except perhaps the fact that Yuki/Setsu is making a second visit to the world of Eclaire, and even that didn't seem to matter much. Also, the jokes are weak. I just didn't feel much quality anywhere. The animation of the fight scene was lackluster. Basically, why should I watch this show? What will it give me in exchange for my precious time? This show failed my traditional test of the first episode of a non-comedy series, in that it didn't leave me with any questions that I wanted answers to.

Nearly a month had passed before I watched episode two, and there were so many isekai series this season that I struggled to remember which one this was. There was no mention of Yuki/Setsu being the former hero who has returned for a second time, instead he helps out a girl who is the grandaughter of a jeweler. It looks like he will take on a number of minor tasks rather than immediately try to save the world or help his classmates adapt, which I would have greatly preferred. So, I decided to dispense with this show. There were something like 30 new anime competing for my time during the Spring 2023 season, and this one didn't make much of a case for itself.

Last updated Wednesday, August 02 2023. Created Saturday, April 15 2023.

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