Title: | Yuri Seijin Naoko-san OVA 2
Lesbian Citizen Naoko-san (2012)
Overall: | Rent |
Keywords: |
2012, Comedy, OVA, Sci-Fi, Yuri
Notables: |
Animation - UFOTable
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
28-minute OVA released on February 15, 2012.
Animated by Ufotable. |
Naoko-san is an alien from the planet Yuri, who is plotting to conquer the Earth by yurifying it. Misuzu is a junior high girl and is always troubled by Naoko-san, who lives on the roof of her house.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
28-minute OVA released on February 15, 2012.
Animated by Ufotable.
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Rent 4 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
6 |
[series:4501#1552] |
Yuri Seijin Naoko-san OVA 2
This comedy OVA features several segments featuring the quirky and perverted alien Naoko attempting some sort of scheme in either her efforts at world domination or plotting something perverted against Misuzu and other acquaintances of hers. The mundane setting and Naoko's antics clashing with it do lead to a surprisingly entertaining half-hour romp with the alien's antics leading to varying degrees of amusing situations because of her machinations leading things to get crazy for those involved. Kind of a shame something like this didn't get a full-blown TV anime as I would have likely been interested in wanting to see more humor out of this and at least give the series the time it needs to flesh out its cast, and it looked like Ufotable was at least having fun with putting this together too.
Last updated Monday, July 04 2022. Created Monday, July 04 2022.