Yurei Deco

Title:Yurei Deco
Keywords: , ,
Notables: Animation - Science SARU
The story begins when Berry, an average girl from an average home, meets Hack, a girl who looks like a boy. Charmed by Hack, Berry meets up with the team Hack leads, the Ghost Detectives Club. Members of this club are "socially dead," working invisibly within the digitally controlled society of Tom Sawyer. As she works with the group, Berry learns about Zero, a mysterious figure who lurks within Tom Sawyer's underground. She and Hack decide to chase down this figure, and in time, the truth behind the city is revealed…
(Summary Courtesy of MyAnimeList.net)

12-episode TV anime that premiered on July 3, 2022.
Animated by Science Saru.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 8 8 6 6 6 Ggultra2764 [series:4498#1552]
Set in a futuristic world with augmented reality the norm, Yurei Deco focuses on a girl named Berry who comes to realize there is more to her world than she realizes when meeting up with a mysterious girl named Hack who is a skilled hacker capable of hacking elements of the augmented reality that Berry's life revolves around. The series has its elements of storytelling potential revolving around the exploration of its world with some elements like the concept of Ghosts, those not part of the augmented reality society and pretty much regarded as nonexistent to those in the AR world, and the mystery surrounding the mysterious virtual entity known as Phantom Zero. But there are a number of instances where the story for Yurei Deco felt unfocused with the bigger elements of its storytelling and not much being fleshed out with many of its characters, largely making them feel one-note (especially in the case of Hack). How things are ultimately resolved with the series largely felt underwhelming due to the mentioned storytelling issues and lack of foreshadowing for pieces to it. In short, found the premise to have potential that is shown decently at points yet an unfocused story and underdeveloped characters hurt the overall quality to it for me.

Last updated Sunday, September 18 2022. Created Sunday, September 18 2022.

Other Sites
Official Japanese Series Web Site https://yureideco.com/?page=top

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