Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Title:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - EMT Squared
WAKI Azumi
15 year old Yuna made a healthy living trading stocks on the internet, and spent the bulk of her remaining time playing the MMORPG World Fantasy Online. A strange system update bestowed her with a curious bear costume which looks silly but possesses remarkable powers. She is grateful for it when she finds herself unable to return to the real world.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4220#628]
(Four episodes watched)

For some reason I liked the revelation that this is indeed a video game, not an alternate reality that just happens to look and operate like one. And that for now, everything is operating properly and Yuna can log out whenever she pleases. Perhaps that's because the cutesy/crazy getup that she wears while playing makes perfect sense as long as this is just a game. Or because it had figured this would be a pretty goofy show with little or no plot. Or because MMORPGs that operate as they are supposed to in anime are unusual nowadays. But, judging from the ANN synopsis, before long Yuna will find herself trapped within World Fantasy Online in an SAO-like situation. How seriously that change of fortune will be taken, and what sort of premise will come together remains to be seen.

As seems to be fashionable nowadays, it's not until episode two that the basic premise is explained. Yuna is informed that she has won a special reward for her stellar performance and many hours spent playing World Fantasy Online. She chooses a treasure chest at random, which turns out to contain the bear suit. For some reason the thought occurred to me at this point that OK, here's a show doing exactly what it should be, namely laying out the premise in an intriguing and engaging manner. A textbook example of anime done right. It was both funny and made sense--a plausible joke, perhaps. The rest of the episode was more ordinary, however. Somehow, Yuna is transferred, possibly by God himself, from the video game to an isekai alternate reality where she's stuck from now on. But she doesn't mind all that much, since this world is much like the game she loves. I have a feeling that this show isn't going to try to stretch the envelope of isekai anime all that much after all. Yuna meets Fina, who will become a member of her adventuring party, but I bet the thought of asking Fina if she was by any chance transferred to this world from planet Earth will never occur to Yuna. Instead I suspect that what we will get from here on will be a sort of goofy, unambitious comedy, which is disappointing. Yuna can do almost anything, which embarrasses experienced and prideful adventurers; it's kind of fun to see such people get their due, but there doesn't seem to be any looming conflict to the plot. A large cast is set to appear, but it seems unlikely that much of a story will come with them. Indeed, the impression I got while watching episode four was that this is basically a children's show. Yuna makes yet another friend, but this time it's a child who thinks bears are cute. The story is basically more about cuteness than about the mind-blowing experiences people might undergo if transferred to an alternate reality (which feels like a tremendous waste to me). I was left thinking, 'should I keep watching this show'?

My favorite line: "The path of a bear is a thorny one"

Last updated Thursday, November 12 2020. Created Thursday, October 15 2020.

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