Gal to Kyouryou

Title:Gal to Kyouryou
Gal & Dino
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: SHIMABUKURO Miyuri
Kaede wakes up with a hangover and vaguely remembers that last night she allowed a small blue Dinosaur to enter her apartment and stay there.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3823#628]
(One episode watched):

I had second thoughts about creating a page for this anime at all, because what am I supposed to make of this exceedingly bizarre production? The premise is hilariously original, but I did not get all that many laughs from the episode itself. It is quite bizarre, but is it funny? In fact, how would you make a show with a premise like this humorous? An example of absurdist humor done right in anime would be Sekkou Boys. Dino (who reminded me of character you would see on Sesame Street) does not talk--he is a Dinosaur, after all--but was that the right choice? If a creature that has been extinct for millions of years can turn up today, would it be any more implausible if it was intelligent and could talk as well? This show alternates between general animation and the stop-action type. Well, at least now I know what the Japanese word for 'Dinosaur' is.

Last updated Monday, April 06 2020. Created Monday, April 06 2020.

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