Princess Rouge

Title:Princess Rouge
Legend of the Last Labyrinth
Princess Rouge: The Legend of the Last Labyrinth
The Legend of the Last Labyrinth
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: Animation - JC Staff
A mysterious girl named Rouge drops out of the sky (literally) onto a young student named Yusuke. Rouge seems to have amnesia, so Yusuke takes her in. Then Rouge's sisters show up, demanding her help in fighting a menace from their home world ....

2 OVA episodes (~30min each)
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 7 7 5 6 Kaitou Juliet [series:264#137]
Once again, an unfinished series that had the potential to be more. As it is, they pack quite a bit into two episodes. While the story is somewhat predictable (think Oh My Goddess! crossed with Magic Knight Rayearth), the characters are interesting, and the designs are attractive. Overall, the romantic aspect is somewhat better treated than the fantasy aspect, partly because the fantasy plot never has time to develop momentum. Each episode does wrap up its own mini-story, so the series does not feel too badly unfinished—although I would have liked to find out where the labyrinth fit in, since it never appears. I would have rented more of this series had it been available. Not a bad way to spend an hour.

Last updated Tuesday, August 28 2001. Created Tuesday, March 06 2001.

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