Strike Witches (OVA)

Title:Strike Witches (OVA)
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: Animation - GONZO
The world is under attack by a mysterious enemy, against which the armies and armour of the world are no match. It has fallen on a group of young witches, who have traded in their brooms for magical flying boots and oversized rifles to take on and defeat the enemy.

Also see 2008 TV series - Strike Witches (TV)

8-minute OVA release
Animation by GONZO
Episode Details 
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated chibi [series:1521#2380]
I thought the promo was lame. Really incongruous magic/technology (If they have magic, why do they need machine guns? What keeps the propellers at the ends of their "boots" from chopping each other to bits?) unredeemed by the characters. Here's hoping the full series will be better.

Last updated Wednesday, January 24 2007. Created Wednesday, January 24 2007.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:1521#628]
I had no idea what a series called "Strike Witches" would be about--maybe horror, which I'm not a big fan of--but I gave it a try anyhow, not realizing that this was actually just an eight-minute promo. The gamble paid off, and I was soon grinning at this silly show. "This is a new weapon" it states, "created with the latest technology and magic" (yes, magic). Of course only cute girls (and apparently only ones with animal ears and tails), have the ability to utilize "our new magic broom". It enables them to fly and maneouvre (and sound) like WWII era aircraft, and the story seems to be set in the continent of Europe in some alternate universe. I recognized the names of a number of famous fighter pilots among the girls, and also several WWII vintage firearms in their hands (enough "Cute Girls with Guns" to keep me busy for awhile!). Okay, too soon to draw any major conclusions, like what the ratio of comedy and seriousness will be. One thing's for sure--the premise is so absurd that I can't help laughing!

Last updated Monday, January 22 2007. Created Monday, January 22 2007.
Unevaluated Jan-Chan [series:1521#967]
This seems to be a very silly and strange new series.

Last updated Monday, January 22 2007. Created Monday, January 22 2007.

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