Amazon $$$ for out-of-print anime titles

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05/27/2009 10:27 PM

Reviews: 599
Posts: 593

Has anyone else noticed that price of out of print anime titles has gone completely bonkers.

Check out the amazon prices for 1999 series - Gokudo-kun Manyuki. Granted it is out of print, but who in their right mind will spend (as of May '09) $100 for a used boxed DVD set, much less $110 for a new one.

I have seen some prices go as high as $199 for a 'collectible' quality copy of a title.

Is there something going on that I don't know about or are people just trying gouge others for rare titles? Its not like this is a first edition of a comic book or such.

Well, in any case.... look after those R1 licensed DVD titles in your collection. They might be worth a pretty penny in next ten or so years.

Edited on 05/28/2009 01:13 PM.


05/27/2009 10:49 PM

Reviews: 244
Posts: 514

Of course you have to protect what you buy. That is the whole idea behind keeping things in "mint condition". In my case however, the price for my R1 collection could sky rocket and it wouldn't matter. I'm the kind of guy to take my stuff to the grave if need be. As a last resort, I may pass them down to my children. LOL

Edit: the site just duplicated this post so I deleted it. Talk about a server hiccup...

Edited on 05/27/2009 10:53 PM.

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