Title: | Koukaku Kidoutai S.A.C. 2nd GIG |
Episode: | 26: Return to Patriotism - ENDLESS∞GIG |
Synopsis | |
The American submarine fires the nuclear missile at Dejima, and Kusanagi orders the Tachikomas to reserve enough memory in the network to save the memories and ghosts of three million refugees. Only a miracle can save the day now... | |
Comments | |
[2007-09-02, Devil Doll: 6/10]
What a confusing ending. Who exactly was it that Kayabuki informed? I didn't get it, and it didn't have much effect either (as it didn't stop the missile from being fired, for example). The Tachikomas were great, even though hitting a missile with a falling satellite seems impossible to me, and simply replacing them with green ones was just too easy for me. Kuze's ending was weak; Gouda's ending was okay. Too much dialog between Kusanagi and Kuze at a time when it was already irrelevant. In the end Kayabuki was the heroine of the show, which I consider a nice idea. All in all the ending section wasn't as breathtaking as in the prequel series. And why were the blue Tachikomas replaced by green ones? They weren't destroyed physically (and could just have been installed new memories), and they didn't even lose their external memory (we can see them backup the satellite data to the network areas they were to reserve for the refugees' memories). So WTF? [Forbin] All the questions you have regarding the Tachikomas are answered in the GITS:SSS |