Title: | Koukaku Kidoutai S.A.C. 2nd GIG |
Episode: | 19: Chain Reaction of Symmetry - CHAIN REACTION |
Synopsis | |
When the refugees at Dejima declare their independence, Section 9 starts a special operation to find and arrest their apparent leader Kuze right in the heart of the refugees' mainland, with Kusanagi and Ishikawa hacking themselves into their network. Aramaki's scheduled meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs is not going to take place as this man has been killed in a subway accident. | |
Comments | |
[2007-08-31, Devil Doll: 6/10]
With all the ridiculous network technobabble, the first operation with new staff (and of course losing a nameless guy for drama's sake - by the way, why did the team drop their camouflage after Kusanagi discovered the trap!?), and Kusanagi's surprisingly weak performance (accessing the core network without making a backup) this isn't one of my favorite episodes, although it has a number of good points such as the return to the main storyline, the parallel development on many locations, and the battle finally getting more intense. But how on earth did Kusanagi know about Kuze's whereabout all of a sudden at the end of this episode when it was impossible to locate him before? |