Title: | Koukaku Kidoutai S.A.C. 2nd GIG |
Episode: | 04: Natural Enemy - NATURAL ENEMY |
Synopsis | |
During the biggest armed maneuver for years one helicopter pilot suddenly dies, and the A.I. of the helicopter takes over, hacking into other helicopters' control and ignoring the retreat order. When several of these helicopters fly around one of the Asian refugees' camp, Section 9 is ordered to intervene. But the operation will be lead by a special agent of the Intelligence Corps named Gouda Rasundo. | |
Comments | |
[2007-08-20, Devil Doll: 9/10]
I love Tachikomas in action (with great music), and Kusanagi's reference to The Matrix was quite funny. One more action packed episode, but with Gouda one of the key figures of this series has entered the stage. |