Title: | Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou |
Episode: | 1: Morning, 2nd of February |
Synopsis |
"Alpha", a green-haired robot, has ben entrusted with running a small coffee shop by her master, Hatsuseno. One day a similar robot girl from a delivery service arrives and hands her a special camera. She also has a message from Hatsuseno: since he won't be returning anytime soon, Alpha is granted permission to do a little travelling and see the world around her. After bidding farewell to her new friend, Alpha travels about on her motorscooter, searching for beautiful scenes to photograph. She travels about the outskirts of the now submerged city of Yokohama (I presume), searching for one special picture... |
Comments |
This episode opens with soothing, relaxing music, which gives a hint of the tone which the OVA as a whole will have. Going in, I had no idea that Alpha was a robot, and was thinking her employer disappearing was rather irresponsible. You might call this a slice-of-life-for-robots sort of show. An old man who runs a gas station is the only non-robot character of any importance in this episode. Life is quiet and peaceful in this region, but there are a number of hints that things haven't always been this way. Alpha posseses a pistol, the city of Yokohama is almost completely underwater, and she mentions "The Dangerous Times". Being a robot, Alpha seems uninterested in such things and is able to appreciate the innate beauty of the world around her. The fact that so few of the images I've saved contain any subtitles is indicative of the way this show relies on artwork and music to tell it's story (such as it is). Whether the second OVA will have any more of a message to it than this one did is anybody's guess. |