Koi Kaze - 9: Winter Moon

Title:Koi Kaze
Episode:9: Winter Moon

The morning after Nanoka's 2nd confession, Koushiro reflects on that night and how he didn't want to hurt her. He comes to breakfast and learns that Nanoka already left for school. So he eats breakfast with his father and wonders if he should just disappear from her life. Meanwhile, Nanoka is on the train and remembering the night before as well. She wishes she hadn't asked what he thought of her, but wonders about the hug.

Koushiro is coming to work with Chidori, who's stunned that he's planning on moving. She's envious of his situation considering the cost of living in Tokyo. He's planning on moving out the following day even though he has no apartment picked out. Chirori isn't pleased about it, especially with all of the year-end parties they have to plan/work. But she drags him to an apartment agency to find a place.

The two of them look at a vacant apartment that's close to a train station and has a close convenience store nearby (a must in Japan), and it is closer to the office than Chidori's current place is. Koushiro isn't sure, but Chidori begins to discuss whether he can move in the following day with the agent.

At school, a depressed Nanoka is looking out the window in one of the school's hallways when Futaba-chan spots her. She's concerned because Nanoka has seemed down. Nanoka tries to play it off and says she just doesn't feel like going home yet. So, Futaba-chan has Nanoka come by her house to goof off a bit. Futaba's older sister pops in to say hello and give Futaba grief about the messy state of the room. The two bicker about a blue shirt which causes Nanoka to laugh.

That night, Chidori gives Koushiro the next day off to move, but she asks what is causing this sudden move desire. Koushiro says its nothing, but Chidori knows better. He heads home alone.

Futaba and her older sister continue to bicker as they spend time with Nanoka. Futaba is amazed that her older sister is actually going to get married. When asked if they have boyfriends, both Nanoka and Futaba freeze up. Apparently, Futaba's older sister is in an arranged marriage and while she likes the guy, it isn't enough. This talk makes Nanoka reflect quietly.

Back at home, Koushiro begins packing his things for the next day's move. The phone rings and their father weepingly says that Nanoka will be staying at a friend's house. The phone rings again and it is Nanoka. She decides that she'll be staying at Futaba's house longer than she expected. She asks if Koushiro is angry with her or thinks her weird for asking what she asked. Koushiro assures her he's not angry and doesn't think she's weird. He apologizes and she is OK with his hug. He tries to tell her he's moving , but doesn't.

Koushiro and his father discuss his move. Koushiro's father wanders why he's leaving and what happened to cause this. As they discuss things, Nanoka arrives unexpectedly. She wants to know about the move as well. However, the three have tea and nothing more is said.

Later, Koushiro is smoking in his room when Nanoka knocks for a visit. She wants to spend the night in his room sleeping with him in his bed and she's brought her pillow. As she lays down, she tells him that she is strange because of what she said. He tries to assure her, but she asks why he's leaving. He wants her to promise that this is the last time they'll see each other. Nanoka says that what he says is strange because they are siblings.

As they lay facing away from each other, Koushiro tells her that on thier initial meeting when they were on the ferris wheel, he felt happy then despite his tears. Nanoka reaches back and takes his hand.

The next morning, Nanoka wakes alone in Koushiro's now empty room save for her old teddy bear. Koushiro leaves the house.


AstroNerdBoy: 10 December 2006

As someone who HATES moves (and has way too much stuff), this talk of packing/moving in one day had me shuddering, especially in light of my last move. So when Koushiro and Nanoka went to sleep that night with his room still full of stuff and then wakes up the next morning with it empty, I'm thinking, "Yeah! Right! If only it were that simple, even with a single-room move." So I was completely distracted by this.

I thought that Futaba-chan's "onee" being in an arranged marriage was an interesting item to put into the show. Such marriages aren't common in Japan these days, though they still happen. However, it was Nanoka's obervations of this and the interactions between the two sisters that was more interesting. Clearly, this is what normal siblings act like.

I have to say that this thing certainly hasn't gone where I thought it would have already gone, which isn't a bad thing.

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