G-on Riders - 13: Full Force Strawberries

Title:G-on Riders
Episode:13: Full Force Strawberries
Yuki awakens to find herself imprisoned in an energy bubble, and her glasses in the hands of Riro-chan. The G-on, Riro declares, was invented for her by Mio-chan (Dr. Sanada) in order to conquer the universe, and now she intends to reclaim it. Furthermore, she will make Sela and Yayoi (who are locked in combat with a super-fancy beast) suffer, because she really hates Yuki. What's more, if she can't secure the G-on, she intends to destroy the entire world!
As is so often the case, I can't explain exactly why things wind up as they do, but in a silly show like this that's not really an issue. You'd think this was the final episode, since it opens in a different, more serious way, and resolves the question of whether or not Earth will be conquered by the aliens--but there is in fact one more episode coming...

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