Sunabouzu - 16: Feces and Urine / A Load Of...

Episode:16: Feces and Urine / A Load Of...

After getting Kanta's attention, Natsuko demands to know why he "interrogated" the prisoners from the attack on the transport without her permission. He replies that he is suspicious of their interest in the unsavory cargo, and the detailed instructions they were given. He's also suspicious of her, namely her refusal to explain anything. Natsuko says she has told them everything they need to know, and they agreed to complete the job without asking any questions. Kanta heads off to perform some "recon" with Kosuna. In the darkness, Amagumo's men are watching the transport. Kanta and Kosuna slip into his camp and take him prisoner, and persuade him to talk. He admits his real objective has to do with an excavation site called "D-9", the crew of which was slaughtered by bandits after making a remarkable discovery. Rumor has it that they unearthed terrifying dark age "genocidal weapons", and Kanta reasons that a power struggle between various oasis governments is behind it all...

(Stretch - Oct 23, 2006)

An amusing episode, but something was missing from the way it concluded; everybody "taking a bath", so to speak, seemed more inevitable than surprising and funny. I just felt a little disappointed, like "Oh, is that it?". Maybe it's because there was a fairly lengthy postscript after the fight with Amagumo was resolved, to complete the subplot involving Natsuko. Natsuko is a woman who has worked very hard, and given her all to succeed, as citizens of Japan are invariably taught to do--and what does she get for it? Kanta, on the other hand, is a sleazy, selfish bastard who somehow comes out on top--it's like a parody of life in Japan in general. Well, he does get something of a comeuppance at the end. Anyway, when I heard Amagumo's Japanese VA speaking, I realized I'd heard this voice somewhere before. Then it struck me--this was most certainly the same man as voiced the hilarious Onsokumaru from Ninin ga Shinobuden!

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