Sunabouzu - 11: Crime and Punishment

Episode:11: Crime and Punishment
Sunabouzu sends Taiko away so that he can deal with captured traitor Junko himself. At the "Sunabouzu Secret Base", a luxury-filled burried building that he discovered and has remodelled, he leaves her, saying he has to attend to pressing business. In fact, he leers at her from behind ventilation ducts and plays with the heating and air conditioning systems. After revealing himself, Sunabouzu makes it clear that "I'm free to enjoy your presence here any way I wish"! He taunts her about having his child someday--but Junko agrees matter-of-factly. After all, she has plans of her own for the child. Junko turns the tables, except she finds she is still locked into the building. To get the lock combination, she beats Sunabouzu up, but goes a little too far and he has amnesia when he comes to. Typically, there's only one thing he remembers wanting to do...
God Bless Japan!! I was giggling steadily throughout, and was repeatedly amazed at the sexual humor that was included. Surely such a naughty, NAUGHTY show could never be made in the US. Once it WAS made, however, the english dub crew at Funimation proved themselves to be just as dirty-minded as their Japanese counterparts ("That mouth of yours could be doing so much more than talking now") which was surprising, because I've tended to think of Funimation as a source of dumbed-down kid's anime--my mistake. If that had been true, they'd certainly have deleted certain scenes from the ventilation duct. For this reason, and because my eyes were freed to enjoy the priceless animation (so many demonic facial expressions!), I think I actually enjoyed the dubbed version more for once--watch them both, it's like two episodes for the price of one. My favorite line from the subbed version: "It's always raring to go, and it's even called the godly tool!".

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