Girls Bravo - 9: Bravo in a Great Magical War

Title:Girls Bravo
Episode:9: Bravo in a Great Magical War
As Kirie and Tomo argue over what they should watch on TV, Tomo claims she can use magic as proof of her maturity. To everyone's amazement, she transforms "Shrimpy" (a seal-like creature which she accidentally brought with her from Seiren) into an adorable little girl--who can only say "nyaa". Risa walks in, having come to "seal our bond of love" with Yukinari. Shrimpy seeks her protection from Tomo ("this lousy creature seduces people by pretending to be a beautiful girl!"), and Risa takes Shrimpy with her back to her mansion. Shrimpy reminds the lonely Risa of a doll she once brought to life as a child...
Quite possibly the best episode of Girls Bravo so far--I'm glad I didn't give up on this show as I was once tempted to do. I like the way even Risa has a soft side--Fukuyama is surely a lost cause, though. I got nervous that they might screw up the climactic scene, but in fact it came off in an unexpectedly neat way. Something else unusual--this time it was Tomo who beat the crap out of somebody!

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