Girls Bravo - 23: Seiren is Bravo

Title:Girls Bravo
Episode:23: Seiren is Bravo
Story Line
Short Version
Searching for Miharu

Miharu was captured by Hijiri and taken to Seiren. Hijiri works for the strange girl and explains that the 2 Aqua Lamps are from Koyomi and Tomoka and now they cannot return to Seiren. The girl asks what about the unawakened one, and Hijiri responds that she has a contingency for it.

Yukinari is very depressed that the others are working so hard to find Miharu and he can't do a thing about it. He meets up with the 2 extortion artists from earlier and the older one tells him to be a man and stop crying and go get her. He's energized by this (this is a long scene) and goes back.

Maharu and Koyomi's boss sneaks in the Time building (which I guess has been taken over) and using an old Aqua Lamp contact Yukinari and explain that Koyomi can open the gate as her mother had the power.

Koymoi explains that in the Time building are many departments (She works for Investigations). Another department Secret Service, is dedicated to stop all illegal immigration (AKA girls with Seikon Dots) from bringing men over. Hence they have taken Miharu back and stranded Koyomi. Turns out Koymoi was there to keep an eye on Miharu, not to find Maharu a husband, that was Tomoka's job.

So Koyomi activates her power (her's looks like a beetle on her head) and Yukinari, Fukuyama, Lisa, Kirie, Tomoka, and Ebi take the bath to Seiren. Koyomi explains her gate is unstable and she isn't sure where they will end up.

Shocking! Another true plot episode. So Hijiri is working for the police eh?

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