Girls Bravo - 2: Bravo at School

Title:Girls Bravo
Episode:2: Bravo at School
Since neither Yukinari nor Kirie can figure out how to send her back to Seiren, Miharu will be staying at Yukinori's place for the time being. They leave her and go to school, but her voracious appetite and love of Earth foods leads her to go searching for this school by herself, since Yukinari mentioned the excellent curry bread that was available there. Fukuyama, the rich, handsome, vain lady's man of the class is intrigued when she shows up (to put it mildly)...
The jokes don't seem all that funny to me--they seem forced or overdone somehow. Instead, it's wondering what will become of this naive girl from another world that makes the show interesting enough to watch.

This episode was heavily edited for broadcast. Most of the humor is devoted to Miharu and the Banana man. That's at least 5 minutes missing from that episode.

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