Shingeki no Kyojin - 22: The Defeated / The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls (pt 6)

Title:Shingeki no Kyojin
Episode:22: The Defeated / The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls (pt 6)
...and after the maddening cliffhanger at the end of episode 21, things just return abruptly to normal in episode 22. Corporal Levi turns out to be a superhero, who undoes what happened before. The whole 57th expedition beyond the walls pretty much ends not with a bang but a whimper. Little if anything was accomplished; apparently no major realizations have been made which would make sense of the inexplicable abilities of the Titans. No, things have only gotten more inexplicable, since another crop of counter-intuitive Titan capabilities have been discovered. We are left farther from the truth, not closer to it. And it dawns on me that ShinKyo as a whole isn't going to come anywhere near a conclusion in just 24-26 episodes. If the whole multi-episode expedition arc didn't do anything more than leave the humans even more demoralized, there's no way a climax and conclusion is anywhere near. This is going to be a long series—assuming additional seasons gets made. We must lower our expectations and wonder what sort of conclusion the final 2-4 episode arc will have, since that's all we can be certain we'll be getting.

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