Shingeki no Kyojin - 13.5: Since That Day

Title:Shingeki no Kyojin
Episode:13.5: Since That Day
Episode 13.5 is a sort of review of the critical events from the start up to the halfway point of the series. While the action of ShinKyo is first rate, the politics don't make complete sense to me. So much effort is put into the friendship between Eren, Mikasa and Arnim, but the way the people upstairs (and the general public) make up their minds about things seems rushed and poorly explained. Perhaps I feel that what happened when Eren miraculously survived being devoured by a Titan left a major unanswered question which I really want some sort of answer to (in addition to the already unanswered mystery of how the Titans can do the things they do), and this politics business is only delaying that from happening.

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