Mirai Nikki - 04: Handwritten Entry

Title:Mirai Nikki
Episode:04: Handwritten Entry
This show is a mess--a fun mess to watch, though. Sometimes it is violent, sometimes comic--I wonder what the makers were aiming for. Is this cleverness or is it just totally screwed up? I wish what's going on was explained better. One thing I can say for it is that it keeps you guessing. Allegiances seem to shift with every episode, you wonder if anyone can be trusted, and in general nothing is for certain. In episode four one character who seemed as evil as sin at the start may just have changed sides, and I have doubts about another who I had thought was one of the good guys. Yukki may be the closest thing to a sane person in the cast. If only this series had gotten the resources which the basic story seems to deserve.

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