Title: | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy (TV) |
Episode: | 6: Dodge Ball Battle! |
Synopsis | |
"Miss Kiyone" is annoyed by Miss Mihoshi's carefree attitude and lack of control over her classroom. As they argue the kids slip out of the room to claim a court for their usual game of dodge ball. But Miss Kiyone's students claim they've already reserved the court for their own game. The principal solves the problem by proposing a match between the two classes. Among the spectators are Tsunami and Ramia back in Juraihelm... | |
Comments | |
Not nearly as good as the last episode, but fun anyhow. This show has got one of the cutest OP sequences ever--it almost rivals Steel Angel Kurumi (which has gotta be the champion). I cannot resist watching both the one that is part of the single episode I usually watch, plus the one at the start of the next episode to come along. |