Title: | Saber Marionette J |
Episode: | 2: Program 2: Marionettes war. |
Synopsis | |
Otaru is waked up by a Lime's punch, in the middle of her dreams. He start wondering by is this Marionette so different of the others. Next day he wakes up when Lime blows up the door of the Otaru´s room, bringing the breakfast, breakfast that Otaru notice in a hurry, is the breakfast of all of his neighbors. They came and try to destroy Lime, but Otaru ask them to forgive her and they leave them alone, but they saying that Otaru is nuts, because he defends a Marionette. The day doesn't seem to be better, he got fired from his job, and he walks sadly by the streets. Luckily Lime cheers him up, and asks him to take her to a show of fire works, and in the middle of the smiles they pass in front of Hanagata´s house. After a short discussion they left, but Hanagata´s younger brother, Jumenji, crash with Lime. Hanagata came in a grumpy rage, he take his brother from Lime and told her to never come close to his brother. The night cames and we found our friends in the middle of the crowd, trying to see the fire works, he got tired of the crowd and tries to get out, and he founds Hanagata in the first class seats, and he invite them to sit with them. And because Otaru doesn't want to disappoint Lime, accepts. Hanagata start talking with Otaru, telling him that is bad that he cares so much for a marionette, they are only machines. Then messenger cames, Hanagata´s house is on fire, and Jumenji is still inside. Otaru tries to get into the house but everyone stops him, but Lime gets in, saying that she's just a machine. Meanwhile, Baikou and Tamasaburou are after the thieves that stole Hanagata´s house, when three unknown Marionettes appear, destroy the thieves, and disappear again. Finally Lime gets out of the house carrying the ´lil Jumenji with her, Otaru give her a hug, and the she shock him with the following question, Otaru, ¿What are the differences between machines and human beings?. For the next day Lime has already won the affection of everyone in Otaru´s neighbor, except from the new one, Hanagata¡¡¡ | |
Comments | |
From here you can notice the differences of Lime, and specially her innocence. Also Hangata stars being the clown of the series, and the three mysterius Marionettes appear. The picture is our beatiful Lime. |