Katanagatari - 11: Gilt, the Venomous / dokutō・mekki

Episode:11: Gilt, the Venomous / dokutō・mekki
I thought that the opening scene in episode 11 was kind of neat, as it revealed some sort of link between the Deviant Blades and Shichika's martial art; no doubt this will affect the climax of the series. Oddly, a touch of sci-fi enters the story. And Togame has some sort of secret identity? The fight between Houou and Endodaemon went the opposite way as I had expected, which was a pleasant surprise. And then there is a startling cliffhanger at the end--a 'that's not supposed to happen!' event. After being in the doldrums for awhile, my impression is that the end will be pretty good--unless some cheapshot excuse is used to undo the surprise.

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