Katanagatari - 05: Aegis, the Resentment / zokutō・yoroi

Episode:05: Aegis, the Resentment / zokutō・yoroi
My problem with episode five is that I don't see how Shichika's change of tactics during the critical fight worked so well. It seemed sort of anti-climactic and hard to take seriously to me. Each previous duel had been decided by a clever move which made complete sense, but not so here. It also seemed that the makers of this show really liked Yoroi and were determined that no harm should come to him, even though his personality hadn't been developed nearly as well as, say, Meisai in episode three. As a result, the climax just seemed kind of shallow and disappointing in comparison to the excellent ones in previous episodes. Just describing Yoroi's item as a "blade" in the first place was a stretch. But the remainder of the episode was up to the usual standard of previous ones, and Yoroi's condition for the duel left me LOLing.

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