Katanagatari - 04: Needle, the Fine / hakutō・hari

Episode:04: Needle, the Fine / hakutō・hari
Episode four startled me with an unusual mix of humor and violence. The bizarre Maniwa Insect Corps, a three-man ninja team, attempts to kidnap Shichika's sickly sister Nanami. Things don't go as one would expect, and the results are not entirely amusing. Blood will be spilt, unlike more than a few shows in which there is plentiful swordplay yet the fighters cannot for the life of them make a cut. Katanagatari isn't your usual good-guys-versus-bad-guys show, as we get to know the ninjas and can't help liking them. Also, questions are raised about whether Shichika and Nanami completely deserve 'good guy' status. Not many shows go this way, most are content to establish stereotypical personalities early on and leave them like that. Katanagatari is on a different level; so much unexpected complexity is unveiled time after time, perhaps more in an episode or two than can be found in most complete series. Basically, violence is taken seriously here. Another excellent episode.

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