Title: | Kanon (2006) |
Episode: | 17: Ane to Imouto no Mugonka (songs without words between the older and younger sister) ~ Lieder ohne Worte ~ |
Synopsis | |
Lieder ohne Worte (German for "songs without words") - a series of eight musical volumes consisting of six "songs" each (a total of 48) written for the solo piano by Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn. These works were part of the Romantic tradition of writing short, lyrical pieces for the piano.
Shiori returns to school, but is still shunned by Kaori. Yuuichi deals with the truth of Shiori's illness. Ayu has a strange dream. | |
Comments | |
[Devil Doll, 2007-01-27]:
The sisters' story takes time to be told properly, and this series makes full use of the additional time can assign to this arc. A marvellous episode, not outstanding but very emotional, showing how differently the sisters handle their common issue. And Ayu makes significant progress as well in the little scenes she has. The dialoges are witty, and certain lines still serve as foreshadowing of things to come. Next time it will be Shiori's birthday... [AstroNerdBoy 12 Feb 2007] There's not a lot for me to say here that DD hasn't already said. I will say that Kaori's selfishness (I know she's not dealing with her sisters illness well) is slightly irritating to me because I couldn't act that way. But we all deal with things differently. I still miss Amano, but at least we got nods to Mai, Makoto, and even Sayuri (though not by name). So those girls are "gone" but not forgotten. |