Ergo Proxy - 01: Awakening

Title:Ergo Proxy
Episode:01: Awakening
The tranquility and tightly structured life within the Romdeau city dome has come under threat. The autoraves (or robotic humanoid attendants) that serve the needs of the citizens are becoming infected with the cognito virus, which causes an awakening in them. Infected autoraves begin to act independently and go on a rampage. While the source of the infection or how it is spread are not known, the only way to limit the damage is to forcibly terminate the affected autorave.

Real Meyer (or Lil), an inspector from the Citizen Information Board, follows up on a report of an infected autorave. While destroying two infected autoraves, she encounters something very strange and very dangerous. Dropping on her from above, a creature leaps out of 4th floor window, leaving only a strange handprint.

Later that night, the creature stalks her and attacks her in apartment. In the haze and confusion of the encounter, Real finds herself pinned to wall by a looming monster. It looks her in the eyes, presses a bony thumb to her lips and then disappears as strangely it first appeared.


A few images from the first episode

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