Fate/stay night - 14: At the End of Ideals

Title:Fate/stay night
Episode:14: At the End of Ideals
Yee Haw!

  • Rin : She goes after Shirou by sneaking into Ilya's castle after she leaves. After they collect Shirou, Ilya tries to stop them but Rin asks Archer to delay them. Archer says, 'Is it ok if I kick his butt instead?'
  • Saber : She's suffering from her fight with Rider but still follows Rin.
  • Shirou : He escapes from Ilya's trap but Saber and Rin are already there. They run out the door but Ilya stops them.
  • Berserker : Archer delivers 5 fatal cuts, but those heal automatically. Finally he knocks out Archer and goes out with Ilya to find Saber.
  • Ilya : She cast a spell that made it look like she left but she was waiting in the house. She laughs that Archer has managed to kill Berserker 5 times and she says 7 left.
  • Archer : He's pissed that he has to protect a baka like Shirou but he gives Shirou some good advice before they leave. 'Remember that you are only good at one thing. You can make what you imagine. Remeber that and do not try to fight.' He then summons 2 blades out the air and starts hitting Berserker. But they have no effect and Berserker is kicking his butt. Finally he summons his Noble Phantasm, the Ultimate Blade Works, where he takes Ilya and Berserker to a new dimension full of swords. There he sends all the swords down to kill Berserker. When it is over, Berserker is stuck with 5 swords and Archer is stuck on Berserker's sword. Before he dies Archer says 'That's just like you Ilya'. As the credit roll you get a special view of Archer as he fades away leaving behind a necklace with a heart shaped gem.

What an incredible episode! It was Archer All the Way! BTW if you haven't figured out who Archer is by now, go watch Episode 1 again.

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