Kei has discovered that taking the trouble to don his curious black jumpsuit was a very good idea after all, and has beaten the alien senseless. Nishi, the one who told everyone that they had been recruited to hunt alien criminals, reappears and entangles the alien in some sort of high-tech net. "I'll let you have the points this time" he says, and urges Kei to finish off the now helpless alien. "He'll die of course. I bet you'd want to see that". All this time, Kato is bleeding to death from his injuries. In spite of Nishi's claims that it's just human nature to want to see someone die, and that he can tell that Kei is just like him, Kei resists the pressure to pull the trigger. Nishi says they are indeed still alive, and can return home--but not Kato, because you have to survive the mission, then any injuries you have suffered will be healed. Nishi, Kei and the girl are transported back to the room with the black sphere (which Nishi calls the "Gantz"), and so are a couple of other surprising survivors of the mission. "You guys did pretty good" Nishi comments. "It's been a long time since anyone besides me made it back here alive". "Okay, Gantz is going to give us our scores now"... |