Title: | Gantz |
Episode: | 17: I Can Shoot Them, Can't I? |
Synopsis | |
At the Ratenin Temple, the statues of the "Grumpy" and "Ferocious" aliens come to life. Kei takes a shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later attitude, but the aliens prove surprisingly agile and dodge his fire. He manages to wound one, and survives being knocked through the air. Kei and Kishimoto finally persuade the others to open up as well. The Priest employs prayer, which seems to calm the aliens down--for a while. A confused battle ensues, but because of the time-lag between firing a blaster and it having any effect, the aliens continually evade being hit. A homeless bum, fleeing from the murderous punks nearby, wanders into the battlezone--but he cannot see or hear either the hunters or the aliens. Kei and Kato realize that they've seen this man before... | |
Comments | |
Stretch: A confused battle--but not, I think, because the makers of Gantz were intentionally trying to depict the inherent confusion of combat. Rather, I think they got sloppy, and we are sent all sorts of mixed signals. For example, a desperate battle is underway, yet we continually see characters standing around in a relaxed manner when they ought to be on their toes, ready to dodge the aliens' blows. Or the "homeless hunters" scoffing at series of explosions, which are clearly smashing up the temple, as "fireworks" (they're out committing a crime, for god's sake, shouldn't they be a little unnerved?). Or inexplicable time lags between somebody saying "let's shoot!" and the characters actually doing so. Very frustrating, but at least they are trying to shoot for once, instead of just standing around chatting. It really gave me a charge to see four or five hunters all taking aim at once! As usual, I found the human-on-human violence of the homeless hunters to be far more disturbing than the battle with the aliens. I don't really see what the point of introducing the bum was, especially since neither Kei nor Kato did much to help him out. Forbin Actually the bum is for the 6th Mission. Gonzo had to make up some stuff (Because the Manga wasn't done) and they introduced the bum and his 2 pals. [Devil Doll, 2006-11-27] It's hard to stand watching this nonsense. The tactical skills of these hunters are below grade schoolers level (all firing their arms simultaneously after warning the enemy they would do just that, then being surprised that the enemy is able to jump aside!), and them discussing in epical length while a 60 ft. monster is running wild right besides them is Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon level. And then these punks: "Yeah, we don't have a story, so let's add a dose of senseless violence." Good heavens... actually using the same homeless who was already saved by Kei and Kato looked like a good idea, as he might remember what they did for him earlier. But I don't expect the story writers to make use of that. |