Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV) - 6: Sawatari Izumi Competition Battle Series! Screaming Test Of The Soul! We've Seen The Elite Madonna Of A Maid With The Burning And Murderous Desire In The Hidden Waters Of The Northeast Express Steam Competing With The Heir To Manage The Disarray Mansion

Title:Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV)
Episode:6: Sawatari Izumi Competition Battle Series! Screaming Test Of The Soul! We've Seen The Elite Madonna Of A Maid With The Burning And Murderous Desire In The Hidden Waters Of The Northeast Express Steam Competing With The Heir To Manage The Disarray Mansion
This time, Yoshitaka has made a set of Yukatas for the girls, being careful to modify the traditional designs to suit his own tastes. The girls agree to wear them since doing so will entitle them to attend the local summer festival. A heavy metal rock group is performing live, and Mitsuki is invited onstage to join in, where she proves quite popular. Both Yoshitaka and Anna follow Izumi around, oggling her. Pochi turns up as well, but is mistaken for a costumed performer. Suddenly, word comes that Mitsuki has vanished right in the midst of the performance. While searching for clues, Yoshitaka notices a small object lying on stage. He immediately leads Izumi, Anna and Pochi to a fabulous pyramid-like building nearby...
The thought occured to me while watching this one, can Yoshitaka ever become likeable in a show like this? Will there ever be any serious character development, or just more and more tactless fanservice for laughs (fanservice isn't necessarily tactless, you know). Yoshitaka is a jerk, Mitsuki's habit of manipulating people annoys me, Izumi has a bad temper--I guess Anna is my favorite character, even if she's a lesbian with a two-dimensional personality so far.

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