Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV) - 2: That Vase, It's 50,000,000...

Title:Kore ga Watashi no Goshujin-sama (TV)
Episode:2: That Vase, It's 50,000,000...
After the sisters spend a cold night on the grounds of Yoshitaka's estate, Izumi comments that no matter how much they need a job, the one thing she cannot abide would be having him as their master. He confronts them, and arrogantly mentions that he might be willing to give them another chance to serve as his maids. Mitsuki sees through him and points out that "the truth is that you want to make us your maids by any means necessary". Mitsuki remains cheerful and is not offended whereas Izumi is uber pissed by Yoshitaka's behavior. Izumi insists that just because they might be willing to serve as his maids doesn't mean they have to do whatever he pleases--Yoshitaka feels it does indeed mean just that. The thought occurs to Izumi that living off of him might be a form of revenge. At any rate, the sisters agree to use one of the mansion's splendid baths once again--only to find that their clothes have been replaced afterwards. What's more, Yoshitaka presents Izumi with a bill for the damage that occured yesterday...
Stretch 5/23/05:

The bit at the end, "Izumi's debt from today/How long Izumi has until she pays off her debt" must have been based on the way episodes of a certain other Gainax production ended.

So, Pochi likes to strip girls, and doesn't like being touched by boys. Okay... So far, this show looks like it will be worth watching, but doesn't look like it will become an all time-favorite of mine (and I tend to declare any original and funny anime I watch as a new all-time favorite!). The preview of episode 3 has my hopes up, though...

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