Under Ninja

Title:Under Ninja
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Tezuka Productions
BAN Taito
Kuro Kurogakure is a 17 year old present-day Ninja. After being suppressed by the occupation government after WWII, Ninjas have made a comeback and while they have foresaken their traditional black outfits, they are believed to have infiltrated the majority of Japanese public and private institutions. There are rumored to be around 200,000 of them. But that doesn't mean that life is easy for them; work can be hard to come by, especially for non-career ones. Kuro, for example, lives in poverty in a very modest apartment. And they are hunted by the Department of Health, Labor and Welfare's Rear Segment Maneuvers 2, or the 'Rear Enders'.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4755#628]
(Three episodes watched):

I wasn't sure where this was going for a good part of episode one, and am still not completely sure, but it seems like a classy show with sophisticated plot and characters. Along with three other Ninjas, Hibi (glasses), Suzuki (a blond girl) and Hachiya (who carries a teddy bear), Kuro has been instructed to enroll at a particular High School for some reason that has yet to be revealed. There were a couple of flashbacks to explain how he was recruited for this job and briefed by his handler, the cap-wearing guy who poses as something like a Japanese Amazon deliveryman. Hibi in particular is no friend of Kuro's. They are being watched by the Rear Enders, who seem like a sort of rival secret organization. I like the gruff Kuro, who acts like a NEET most of the time but was presumably responsible for the snuffing of a terrorist which some US troops discover in Iraq or Afghanistan. There's something about foreign assassins entering Japan in the ANN synopsis. Episode one leaves a lot unexplained, but it does so in a manner which is intriguing rather than frustrating. As a result, I am curious to see where this will go.

For all their deadly skills, Ninjas can also be a bunch of wierdos. That's the message of episode two, with the deceptively chubby one who has a fixation on (male) breast milk, or the (Russian?) foreigner who wants to become one and gets a strange idea about what a person must do to qualify, or Kuro's excuse for why he was caught wearing a bra. Silly, wry humor that one can enjoy. The term 'Under Ninja' comes up for the first time (I think) and seems to refer to some secret organization. And do Ninjas really have at least one satellite at their disposal?

When it was the turn of episode three to be watched, I found I wasn't terribly enthusiastic and watched something else instead. Perhaps that's because I am confused by the plot and where it is going. The timeline bounces wildly about, with flashbacks to incidents that occured months ago. It seems that the problem with the Russian has already been resolved and we will learn how thorough dribs and drabs of information. Also, how did this giant underground Ninja organization come about? Who commands it? What are it's goals? Where does the money to operate it come from?

Last updated Sunday, December 10 2023. Created Sunday, November 12 2023.

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