Yuusha ga Shinda!

Title:Yuusha ga Shinda!
The Legendary Hero is Dead!
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - LIDEN FILMS
TOKI Shunichi
Legendary hero Sion Bladan has been the land's salvation, almost single-handedly protecting it from Demons. But while Demons could not kill him, it turns out that a simple trap set by unremarkable villager Touka Scott could. Touka hides Sion's corpse but wakes up to find that his mind has been transfered into Sion's rejuvenated body by a mage. And Touka is now expected to save the world, just like Sion would have.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4663#628]
(Three episodes watched):

The OP sequence of this show seemed kind of occult, but it is actually quite funny. I burst out laughing when it was revealed what had become of the original Sion. LOLing during anime comedies doesn't happen often, but it definitely happened on this occasion. This show was funny! And not just once or twice, but repeatedly and reliably. It seemed like the sort of show that would remain funny and have a clever plot all the way to the end. Several colorful characters are introduced during episode one. A good deal of the humor comes from the facial expressions of the characters. Two seriously funny sword & sorcery series in one season (this one and Working for God in a Godless World)? It seemed too good to be true.

But that which seems too good to be true usually is. Episode two was lacking something. It didn't have the same spirit as episode one had; I had assumed that the thrust of this show would be something along the lines of 'what would an ordinary person who is drafted to serve as a superhero do?', but that was not the direction this episode took. Instead we got plentiful fanservice as 'Demons' employ a clothing dissolving substance, but fanservice is a very weak substitute for quality. And I don't recall any LOL jokes this time. I feared that what we have here is another show which has a promising premise but will not do much with it. A show, perhaps, which has put all of its quality into the opening episode and afterwards has little left to offer. I kept watching, but this show was suddenly looking like a major disappointment.

In episode three we meet the black-haired princess, who hopes to marry the dashing hero Shion but is too dense to grasp that something has gone wrong with him. She's not the only one who is annoyingly stupid. I mean, people who can't tell the difference between Shion and a painted mask that simulates his face is something you would expect from elementary school level comics. I could see the writing on the wall, and decided to quit watching YgS but save the episodes on the slim chance that it might still turn around.

Last updated Wednesday, August 02 2023. Created Saturday, April 29 2023.

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