
    The new version of the site is live! Changes include:
    • Mason back end, instead of CGI -- provides significantly provied extensability. This also allows the site to handle more traffic with the same amount of CPU.
    • Wikiified text fields to provide a much richer experience.
    • Massively improved series editing user interface.
    • Cleaner HTML where content loads first, navigation last. This will improve search engine's ability to summarize the site.
    • Bug board is back-ended by RT. This means that I'll be able to handle bugs more effeciently -- you'll see better responsiveness.
    • Improved index page: Categories are broken out into sub-sections.
    • Many pages have ↗Permalinks just to the right of the title.
    I broke the forums again. But now I've fixed them. And the image bug. And some other bugs.
    I added support for Atom feeds today. Details here.
    Fixed the forums finally! I also fixed the FAQ! If you make changes to the FAQ when you're logged in, it'll remember that you were the one to do it and give you credit.
    Two updates. There was a bug in the account creation process that's been lingering since mid-day on the 11th. No idea how it got there. Anyway, it's fixed now and you can create new reviewer accounts again. Second, I've put new forum software online. Please take a look. I'd love to get some feedback on it.

Community Anime Reviews

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