
    You can now edit your profile as a reviewer. The "Forgot My Password" feature is now working. It will happily mail you your password, should you forget. Posting to the bug board now sends me an email at the same time, so if you do come across a bug you can expect that it will be fixed quickly.
    rubbing hands together Now to get a reviewer list and image uploading going!

    You can now add yourself as a reviewer. It even picks a random password for
    you from the same database as the acronym expander used on
    (look at the bottom... try reloading the page some). Editing of your profile
    once you are a reviewer isn't functional yet.
    From suggestions on the "Anime Webmasters" mailing list, I decided to get some video capture equipment so I could put up images from each of the series. I've got the card installed now and running nicely (an AverMedia card with a BTTV 948 chip). So the next piece to add to the project is the ability to upload graphics for each series and each episode.
    I got the idea a while back that it might be nice to be able to have a consolidated list of which episodes of which series various fansub distributors carry. So I've started on scripts to import the title listings from the fansub distributors that I use. I've already imported two of them, and with a handful of cron scripts I should be able to have them automatically keep themselves up to date.
    I also changed things so that unless you are logged in you only see items that have synopsis'. I haven't decided yet if I prefer this mode...

    Fixed 'series' so that you can change the title without causing a server

Community Anime Reviews

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