Fuguushoku [Kanteishi] ga Jitsu wa Saikyou Datta

Title:Fuguushoku [Kanteishi] ga Jitsu wa Saikyou Datta
Even Given the Worthless "Appraiser" Class, I'm Actually the Strongest
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Okuruto Noboru
TOHNO Hikaru
TOYA Kikunosuke
At birth, the Goddess of Light gives us a job while the Goddess of Darkness grants us skills. Skills can be honed, but jobs are pretty much hereditary and cannot be changed. Ein is a member of the Low Common Class, and a miserable appraiser who gets no thanks and little reward from his High Common Class employers. After being thrown under the bus in order to distract a pack of Hellhounds, Ein finds himself faced with a choice between being devoured or leaping to his death from a cliff within a dungeon. He chooses the latter option, but somehow finds himself not just alive but healed of his injuries and in the presence of the mythical 'World Tree'.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4875#628]
(Four episodes watched):

The premise of this show reminded me of Solo Leveling. It gets pretty ugly and violent, as Ein is somehow revived and healed after being mauled by Hellhounds and attempting to commit suicide. It seemed more complex and sophisticated than most isekai-ish anime, as the basic premise remains only partly explained at the end of episode one but enough effort has been made to convince me that there might be something to this show. Was that the Goddess of Light who appeared to Ein? Being reinvigorated, he attempts to find his way out of the dungeon, only to be mangled yet again and needing another rescue (by some fighting girl who resents being ordered to aid a mere human) and another healing. It gets kind of disturbing as Ein blames himself for his problems even though he says twice that his world is unfair (can it be both?). The chances that we will get a worthwhile philosophical meditation on the meaning of life are probably about as great as a snowball's chances in Hell, but at least Ein does a little thinking. More likely the lesson will be that becoming the 'strongest' is the only concievable way of attaining happiness. Might makes right. I bet that, just as in SL, Ein will go from despair to elation purely by attaining strengths and abilities that other people will admire. This show does not seem to have gotten wonderful ratings at ANN and I bet it will crash and burn, but I think I am curious enough to watch episode two. Maybe the Goddess of Light has simply taken pity on Ein.

Episode two wasn't borderline disturbing like episode one had been, no, it was pretty typical of Isekai anime. On the other hand, it wasn't nearly as deep either. It turns out that the well endowed blond girl is Yuri, spirit of the Tree of Life, and she feels sorry for Ein. She persuades her 'guardian', Ursula, to teach him the fighting skills that a lower class appraiser will need to escape from the dungeon. Thus Ein rockets upwards in capabilities, which is also typical of Isekai anime. Another previously pathetic character who has been granted amazing powers and will need to decide what to do with them. I wish these powers had simply been bestowed upon Ein instantaneously rather than there needing to be an episode of training. But Ursula is a fairly sassy and colorful character (she was the one who saved Ein the second time in episode one). In episode three Ein has already ascended so high that he can beat the boss monster and exit the dungeon. For all intents and purposes, Yuri accompanies him, since she is enclosed within the spirit item (or whatever the term was) that now serves as Ein's left eye, and Ursula can see anything Ein sees with his left one. Outside of the dungeon Ein quickly rescues a Princess in distress who insists on joining his harem. He also runs into his former employer who betrayed him and has been telling a baldfaced lie about what happened. I wonder where things will go from here, since the basic problem of escaping from the dungeon has been accomplished. Probably Ein will just attract more and more girls, as per the OP sequence.

A pattern comes together in episode four: for the most part the girls we'vwe been seeing in the OP and ED sequences must be Yuri's 'sisters' or their guardians (she had mentioned that she would like to visit them and Ein agreed to make it so). We encounter the first one, Pina, and her guardian Kurohime within her jungle-like dungeon. But I was less than excited; Ein has already become virtually invincible (his old master, Zoid, is humiliated yet again in this episode) and I am not looking forward to collecting a bigger and bigger harem of Goddesses. There aren't really any questions I want an answer to and the jokes are not hilarious.

Last updated Friday, February 21 2025. Created Monday, February 03 2025.

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