
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - MAPPA
URA Kazuki
Natsuko Hirose joined the anime business immediately after graduating from high school and rose rapidly through the ranks. The first anime she directed was a huge hit and much is expected of her as she works on the second. But she suffers from a sort of writer's block and the project is far behind schedule. She noticed that the director of an anime that was widely derided but which she loved, "A Tale of Perishing", had died. After eating some spoiled food she passed out and awakened--in the world of A Tale of Perishing.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4862#628]
(Three episodes watched):

Well, here's an anime for which is was worthwhile to look up and list the names of all the major characters rather than just the top one or two. Early on, I wondered if Natsuko had a face at all, since her long hair completely obscured it, but in fact she does. The trouble is taken to endow Natsuko with a personality--she is eccentric, wants to do everything important herself, and is under great pressure. The thought occured to me while watching that unlike the typical isekai anime I had little idea where this was going but that was because this show had a good dose of originality to it and therefore the uncertainty was a good thing. Just what has happened remains unclear at the end of episode one: finally convinced that this is all not a dream, Natsuko recieves a message that she must draw, and she quickly sketches an alternate outcome to a scene from AToP, which becomes real. Some sort of interface between this fictional tale and the skills of an animator, apparently. Paradoxically, the uncertainty about WTF is going on here only made me more intrigued. Whereas the first episodes of most formulaic isekai anime leave me without any questions I want answers to, here I have nothing but questions and absolutely must watch episode two.

In episode two Natsuko ascertains that there is at present no way to return to Japan, and whatever happens to this world will be what happens to her. Many isekai anime skip this step but I appreciated it. What must be done is to prevent the final 'Great Void' from occuring, because that would result in the end of the world, including Natsuko. The other nine great heroes are suspicious of her, but she can predict future events (since she has seen or read the Tale of Perishing manga, anime, movie, whatever) with a degree of accuracy and her predictions come true. It isn't clear whether she'll be able to repeat the miracle she performed during the last attack during the next one, but somehow she can, as long as it is not identical. That would make the story she is composing repetitive and boring. It would seem that some sort of game system wants her to write her own version of Perishing. Another intriguing discovery is that a character in this world is almost certainly based on her boss back in Japan; why might that be? And there were a couple of good jokes too, like the one about some merch associated with a character. This show pretty much does everything right whereas most isekai anime are just good enough.

Who or what is this voice that urges Natsuko to 'draw' when a crisis occurs? In episode three it seems that some force is trying to compensate for the changes Natsuko makes to the story in order to get it back as close as possible to its original plot--though that is an observation of my own, not something any character says. For example, a new way is arranged for Luke to meet 'Destiny', his lover who is supposed to die a tragic death near the climax. Maybe if things were just allowed to take off in a totally new direction Natsuko would lose the ability to predict the future, so that must not happen.

Last updated Tuesday, February 04 2025. Created Sunday, January 12 2025.

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