Gekai Elise

Title:Gekai Elise
Doctor Elise
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp
Surgeon Elise
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: AZAKAMI Yohei
Animation - Maho Film
Aoi Takamoto is known as 'The Surgeon Queen' at Toutei University Hospital. She has never performed an operation which failed, and dutifully keeps up to date on all the latest surgical techniques. She has spent her entire life achieving this despite being an orphan. The cost has been a loveless and largely friendless life. Her secret is that she sees her career as penance for sins she committed in a past life and still remembers. She was once Elise de Clorence, Empress of Britia. But she was blamed for her father and brother's deaths and was overthrown and burned at the stake. After being critically injured in a plane crash, Takamoto wishes she could be reunited with her old family from those days, including her older brothers Ren and Chris. And, lo and behold, her wish is granted. She is resurrected as Elise once more, and vows to do nothing but good this time.

? episodes.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4787#628]
(One episode watched):

I was so busy this season that for the first time in years I didn't watch episode one of every new anime. I downloaded the first episode of this show months ago but didn't get around to watching it until I saw it mentioned as a not bad series in a recent ANN discussion of the best anime of the season. I quickly found that Takamoto's too-good-to-be-true career and work ethos annoyed me; she seemed perfect (which reminded me that I am not)--even after being critically injured in the crash of an airliner she performs life saving first aid on numerous people before expiring herself. And even when it is revealled that she is trying to atone for 'crimes' she committed in her past life, exactly what those crimes were is not revealled and I strongly suspect they will be little more than misdemeanors--otherwise, the audience might not like her enough to keep watching. She's probably overblaming herself for something that wasn't all that bad to begin with, which isn't indicative of a particularly deep and interesting personality. The message that Takamoto/new Elise is one awesome person seemed simplistic and ham-fisted, as if the intended audience was little more than children. I had figured that surely Takamoto's life in present-day Japan would come first, then she'd find herself resurrected or reincarnated in this medieval-like isekai world, but instead she is returning to a life she has already lived and is apparently being given a second chance to be a good person. I suspect she will bring the basics of the science of surgery to these ignorant people with amazing results--perhaps one of those educational anime which teach us some interesting things about surgery as the plot advances. Of course every minute spent on this trivia will be a minute not spent on advancing the plot or developing the characters. Takamoto/Elise's new life has just begun at the end of episode one so maybe I'll watch another, but I have a feeling that waiting so long to watch this show was no major sacrifice.

Last updated Friday, March 29 2024. Created Thursday, March 28 2024.

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