Saikyou Tank no Meikyuu Kouryaku

Title:Saikyou Tank no Meikyuu Kouryaku
Saikyou Tank no Meikyuu Kouryaku: Tairyoku 9999 no Rare Skill Mochi Tank, Yuusha Party o Tsuihou Sareru
The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: HONDO Kaede
A 'Tank' is an adventuring party member who concentrates on the defense, by attracting the attention of foes, absorbing damage and generally shielding his comrades. Rud is a Tank who is abruptly ejected by Great Hero Kyglas from his party (something about his 'absorb shield' has been 'depleting' too rapidly). This is a severe blow to Rud, who had hoped to someday acquire the 'Secret Treasure of the Labyrinth', a wish-granting object which is the only concievable way of curing his sister Manicia of a severe disease. On his way home Rud meets Luna, a 'homunculous', who is able to identify exactly what skills he possesses. It turns out that what had seemed a liability to Kyglas is in fact an asset.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4781#628]
(Two episodes watched):

It sort of seems as if the premise of The Rising of the Shield Hero has spun off a whole new subgenre of its own: the main character is wronged because he seems useless to others, but he/she finds a way to prove themself useful in one way or another. There must be a significant appetite for shows of this sort, at least in Japan. Perhaps people feel that is the treatment they are getting in real life. Anyway, here is another. I got the impression from the OP sequence that Rud will assemble a harem of young girls around himself--Luna must be the first. The plot was confusing--Rud is an exceptional Tank in one way but seemingly sucks in another. The makers of this show seem to have assumed that all viewers would be familiar with Sword & Sorcery RPGs. If I understood it correctly, Rud's fellow party members should have been grateful that his 'absorb shield' was depleting, because otherwise they'd have been absorbing that damage themselves. Another comparison would be to the anime I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. Unfortunately, the characters are weak--we barely know Rud except that he must have a good heart since he wants to help his sister. With 2D characters, the almost silly plot seemed to bounce along like something a teenager had thrown together as a half-hearted assignment in middle school. Imagine if Rud and Luna and the others had been instilled with some genuine personality, even if that meant it would take an extra episode for the story to get as far as it has. I remain curious about where this plot will go--how can an expert defensive player accomplish much on his own?--but I would say that the odds that I will watch it in its entirety are not good.

I did watch episode two, but it only reinforced my impressions from episode one. The characters are about as complex as their near-superdeformed images. And it sounds like Rud has already figured out a way of rewiring his shield from a defensive to an offensive weapon--that was much too easy. Also, Manicia isn't in all that terrible a state. I predict that no one on Rud's side will be killed or seriously injured in the entirety of this show, at least not any more seriously than a healing spell or potion can quickly undo. I was very frustrated with this inane show and think I could probably write a better plot myself.

Last updated Monday, February 05 2024. Created Sunday, January 21 2024.

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