Mato Seihei no Slave

Title:Mato Seihei no Slave
Chained Soldier
Keywords: , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Seven Arcs Pictures
The Mato is an alternate dimension which is accessible via gateways, known as 'Doors', which have sprung up throughout Japan. Anyone who finds themself within it is at risk of being attacked by terrifying monsters known as Shuuki. They should hide and hope to be rescued by the Demon Defense Force, which is composed of human girls who have gained fantastic powers 'from the peaches that grow exclusively in Mato'(?). Yuuki Wakura, an ordinary boy whose only talents are his housekeeping skills, finds himself within the Mato and under attack by numerous Shuuki. Kyouka Uzen, leader of the 7th Squadron of the DDF, comes to his rescue. Kyouka's 'lousy' power is the ability to convert other people into 'slaves', which are fearsome fighting monsters. In this desperate situation she does just this to Yuuki, and is both surprised and pleased with the result. Kyouka decides that Yuuki may become an unofficial member of the DDF and while not in action shall serve as the caretaker of the protected 'dorm' that the DDF girls live in within the Mato.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4771#628]
(One episode watched):

Umm, what? The whole premise seems like an elaborate excuse to place a guy in a girl's dorm. No explanation is provided of just how the Mato, Shuuki, or amazing 'peaches' came to be, but who cares about whether the premise makes sense when you can picture yourself in Yuuki's place? He gets fringe benefits like a kiss from Kyouka for each successful mission--and it's quite a kiss, since, as she explains, 'my body moves automatically regardless of how I feel about it'. Part of the special power, no doubt. It seems that he will be treated as little more than a slave, but that is not a bad bargain if he gets to live among a bevy of hot girls. VA Hirose Yuuya seems to have carved out a niche for himself in the anime industry by playing parts in kinky shows where a guy is treated to an unlimited supply of girls. Of course only girls can imbibe these 'peaches' and become DDF fighters. And of course Shuuki turns out to be quite an ass-kicker once he transforms into slave mode. At least he'll have one source of self-esteem, even if all he does is obey orders issued by the DDF girls. His status is confusing and kind of ugly; part of the ritual of accepting his place as a slave is that he must bow down and lick Kyouka's finger. The only interesting touch to episode one was the mention that Kyouka wants to become Supreme Commander of the DDF because she feels it isn't trying hard enough to annihilate the Shuuki once and for all. I am undecided about whether I will watch any more. There's the old test 'Did episode one leave you with any questions that you felt you needed an answer to?', and I can't really think of any. If you want a good anime about a guy who serves as little more than a slave to a female master, watch Chainsaw Man.

Last updated Tuesday, January 09 2024. Created Tuesday, January 09 2024.

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