Title: | Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tameni Ganbattemasu
At the Isekai Fluffy Paradise I'm Trying to Do My Best
Fluffy Paradise
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2024, Animals, Comedy, Fantasy, Isekai (Other World), Silly-funny, TV
Notables: |
Animation - EMT Squared
27 year old officeworker Midori Akitsu literally works herself to death. God appears to her and offers a deal: she may be reincarnated in the world of Asdyllon with any one special power she wishes if she will investigate the persecution of other species by humans and determine whether the humans there deserve to be 'wiped out'. Midori is uncomfortable with such responsibility but after mentioning that the one thing that gave her some relief from her hectic life was petting fluffy animals, God interprets that as an agreement. She is duly reborn as Nefertima 'Neema' Osche, daughter of an important nobleman in the Kingdom of Gashe, with the ability to attract cute fluffy animals.
12 episodes |
27 year old officeworker Midori Akitsu literally works herself to death. God appears to her and offers a deal: she may be reincarnated in the world of Asdyllon with any one special power she wishes if she will investigate the persecution of other species by humans and determine whether the humans there deserve to be 'wiped out'. Midori is uncomfortable with such responsibility but after mentioning that the one thing that gave her some relief from her hectic life was petting fluffy animals, God interprets that as an agreement. She is duly reborn as Nefertima 'Neema' Osche, daughter of an important nobleman in the Kingdom of Gashe, with the ability to attract cute fluffy animals.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:4765#628] |
Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tameni Ganbattemasu
(One episode watched):
When it was revealed that Neema's special ability would be that she would be a magnet for cute animals, I thought to myself 'OK, that's the basic joke here; now, will it be funny?' Unfortunately, the answer is 'not really'. If it was genuinely funny nothing else would matter, but quality comedy is a very rare commodity and not much was spent on it here. Other than Neema's exact ability, this show is pretty predictable: she's the privledged child of a nobleman, has done nothing wrong, magic is commonplace here, she retains her adult mind, and of course she has a special ability that sets her apart. Basically, pretty shallow. I can't even say that the characters and animals in this show are particularly cute; they are (again) about average. And so far there is no sign of the 'persecution' that she is supposed to investigate. Neema is just three years old, by the way. I saw no sign whatsoever of sophistication or complexity--no attempt was being made to sketch how the social system worked and why persecution (probably of human/animal hybrids) might have taken hold. It almost seemed that the show was meant for children. I was tempted to quit watching before the episode ended but hung on to the end. But this first new anime of the Winter 2024 season was a distinct disappointment and I see no reason to watch any more of it.
Last updated Thursday, January 04 2024. Created Thursday, January 04 2024.