Shinka no Mi ~Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei~

Title:Shinka no Mi ~Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei~
The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: HANAZAWA Kana
Seiichi Hiragi was once 'fat, ugly and incredibly smelly' and correspondingly unpopular at school. Then someone who claimed to be a God announced over the PA system that all students in his class were about to be transported to an RPG-like alternate reality, and sure enough it happened. Seiichi found himself alone and starving in a jungle, where he happened upon a coconut-like brown fruit known as the 'Fruit of Evolution'.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4397#628]
(One episode watched):

The usual weak jokes and unexciting plot. What with the goofy, simple character designs, it quickly became clear that this show would be relying on comedy (and fanservice) rather than attempting to tell any sort of intriguing story, but the jokes are barely smile-worthy. It looks like the big, pinkish-red gorilla, Saria, that terrifies Seiichi (in part by proposing to him) will transform into the girl with correspondingly colored hair. The OP and ED sequences suggest a harem motiff as well. Basically, another isekai anime in which someone happens upon amazing powers and abilities within an RPG and screws around with them. A recurring theme seems to be that there is a shortcut to winning the game hidden somewhere within the programming. But if the characters and plot are going to be kept this simple, the jokes have got to be good, and they aren't. And anime with fanservice are dime-a-dozen. I wish I could think of more to say about this show, but it seems extremely unremarkable. Maybe I should watch a second episode to see if it improves, but my boredom with episode one will have to wear off first.

Last updated Thursday, October 21 2021. Created Thursday, October 21 2021.

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