Title: | Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2020, Action, Ecchi, Fan Service, Fantasy, Modern, TV
Notables: |
Animation - project No. 9
MATSUOKA Yoshitsugu
Earth is in terror as a result of the sporadic appearances of insect-like aliens called Kiseichuu. These intelligent creatures seldom physically harm people, but they do something much worse: they drain them of their sexual desires (what's known as 'H-energy'), leaving them 'an empty shell'. Fortunately, a handful of humans have such overwhelming H-energy that, once it is converted to raw power by what's known as 'Xero Gear', even the aliens cannot deal with them.
12 episodes |
Earth is in terror as a result of the sporadic appearances of insect-like aliens called Kiseichuu. These intelligent creatures seldom physically harm people, but they do something much worse: they drain them of their sexual desires (what's known as 'H-energy'), leaving them 'an empty shell'. Fortunately, a handful of humans have such overwhelming H-energy that, once it is converted to raw power by what's known as 'Xero Gear', even the aliens cannot deal with them.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:3867#628] |
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
(Most of one episode watched):
Other than just being content with a show which will help teenagers jack off, about the only way I can see this premise being respectable would have been if it was genuinely funny. To a certain extent, it would need to ridicule itself, and acknowledge how cheap it is but compensate for that by giving us some serious laughs. But that would require some comedic talent, which is surely expensive and in short supply, while just being kinky is cheap and easy. So, it looks like the makers of HxEros set their sights low and got what they wanted. the sad thing is that making it just a little funny or even making the characters slightly interesting might not have been all that difficult, since the premise is so crass that it is almost a joke itself. To a certain extent the theme of HxEros seems to be a shy, reserved hero and heroine who have no choice but to harness H-energy (guess what that would entail!) because the survival of the world itself depends on it. But the effort feels half-hearted at best and little more than an excuse for borderline porn. The real theme seems to be that being horny is nothing to be ashamed of since the freaky aliens are trying to rob us of our carnal desires and life without them would be empty and meaningless. Maybe that was what annoyed me the most about this show--the implication that sex is the only thing that matters in life. The aliens are completely 2D and just seem to get a kick out of victimizing humans. And is Retto fighting for revenge against them or does he just have a boner (or both?)? In the end, this just seemed stupid and I quit before the episode was over.
Last updated Thursday, October 01 2020. Created Tuesday, July 07 2020.